Randi Glazer: Three Reasons to Earn an MBA

Randi Glazer is an underwriting professional who earned a Master of Business Administration degree to further her career in underwriting, and give her the tools she needs to take on more responsibility. The rewards for earning an MBA can be great in almost any industry around the world. Here are three reasons to earn your MBA:

  • An MBA is a career booster. Randi Glazer created many opportunities for herself by earning her MBA. You can also boost your career by changing it. Having an MBA means that you can explore other options in other industries using the same skill set.
  • You’ll make more money. The majority of graduates of MBA programs say they recoup a third of the initial cost of going to school almost immediately after they graduate. In four years, many MBA degree holders like Randi Glazer report they earned the entirety of the cost of getting the degree back.
  • Your employer could foot the bill. Many employers help their employees earn MBA degrees to encourage them to rise in their company. It’s usually in their best interest to support employees who want to earn an advanced degree. They are supporting the next wave of leaders in their company..

Her options are growing because of her MBA degree. She recommends earning an MBA to anyone interested in business or wealth management.

Visit https://about.me/randiglazer for more information about her.

About Randi Glazer

Randi Glazer is a senior underwriting professional who has a track record of building profitable books of business.
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